2018.07.5 お知らせ


6月26日~30日において、心理学分野において2番目に大きな規模の国際会議で4年に1回開催される 国際応用心理学会議(International Congress of Applied Psychology)がカナダのモントリオールにて開催されました。



Effects of an Enjoyable Work Climate on Preventing Turnover in Nursing-Care Staff -Survey on Care Workers at Special Nursing Homes for the Elderly-
(日本語訳 日本の介護施設における、楽しく仕事をする職場風土の離職防止への影響)

なお、発表に際する所属としては、弊社代表が大学院博士後期課程において籍を置く日本大学が表記されています。 国際会議プログラムにおいて該当するページ(発表部分は赤枠にて記しています)は以下のとおりです。

国際会議プログラム該当ページ(PDF) 2018icapprogram


Shortage of care workers, partly caused by employee turnover, is a serious problem in the rapidly aging Japanese society. Main reasons for leaving their jobs are problems related to human relationships and attitudes towards corporate philosophy. Effects of workplace fun on preventing employee turnover were examined by developing a model. A questionnaire was administered to care workers (N=165) at special nursing homes for the elderly between March and April in 2017, and 155 responses were collected. It inquired about human relationships at workplaces, team-based care, attitudes toward corporate philosophy, work satisfaction, and the frequency of spending private time with coworkers. Covariance structure analysis and correlation analysis indicated that workplace fun leads to satisfaction with the workplace, correlated with a mutually supportive climate, mediated by mutual recognition, sympathy with corporate philosophy, and orientation for team care. Moreover, a certain correlation was observed between workplace fun and spending private time together. Workplace fun solved human relations problems and attitudes toward corporate philosophy, which are major reasons for employee turnover. This prevented employees leaving their jobs. Fun at workplaces could change the image of care workers, and contribute to dealing with the aging society. Interactions outside the workplaces might improve work climate. Making workplaces more fun could solve problems of elderly care facilities troubled by a shortage of workers. Fun might change the image of care workers and contribute to dealing with the aging society. Interactions outside of workplaces have been decreasing for these several decades. However, their importance should be reconsidered.

Keywords:workplace fun, exchange activities at workplace, turnover in nursing-care staff

今回の研究においては福祉業界にスポットを当てました。発表時間においては、多くの方がポスターを訪問され、研究内容に興味を示されておりました。 現在のところ、アブストラクトをはじめ研究内容の全てが英語表記となっておりますが、今後、いずれかのかたちで日本語表記にて発信する予定です。 これからも、研究活動を展開しながら、あらゆる業界の人財育成、組織活性化に貢献できるよう努めてまいります。
